2nd position

ECHO CHUM Concurrent Disorders Telementoring Program

Offered by the RUISSS de l’UdeM’s Centre d’expertise et de collaboration en troubles concomitants (CECTC), the ECHO CHUM concurrent disorders training program began its activities in September 2018 thanks to a committed interdisciplinary team. This team, consisting of a psychiatrist, addiction physician, clinical nurse, occupational therapist, social worker, pharmacist and librarian, shares its expertise with more than 120 professionals from various regions of Quebec through an easy-to-use online learning platform (Zoom).

Anonymous real-life case studies and training modules allow this community to expand their knowledge and obtain support and recommendations for their interventions with patients with concurrent mental health and addiction disorders. An information portal gives users access to scientific publications, guidelines and other relevant reference documents so they can study topics discussed in further detail.

The ECHO program not only provides free, recognized and accessible online continuous training, it is also a networking opportunity. In a climate of labour shortage, professionals can develop their skills without having to travel or be replaced—they need only adjust their lunch hour.

Participants have spoken about the effectiveness of this innovative program, which they say allows them to manage the complex clientele with concurrent disorders more efficiently.

For information and registration, visit www.ruisss.umontreal.ca/CECTC.

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