The application period for the 7th SRS Awards
is now open !
The SRS Awards, created by Caisse Desjardins du Réseau de la santé, are designed to highlight and recognize professionals for their involvement in pursuing their goals to improve public healthcare.
The application period is now closed.
Thank you for your participation!
(bursaries of $ 3 500, $ 2 000 $ and $ 1 000)
The SRS Awards are divided into four categories representing our values:

Simplify tasks or processes and improve procedures in your establishment.

Focus on the human aspect of healthcare.

Create advantages for organizations, patients and their families by implementing new procedures.

Demonstrates better use
of human, financial or technological resources.
1 à 5
1-2 = More or less satisfactory
3 = Satisfactory
4 = Very well
5 = Exceptional
1 à 10
1-5 = More or less satisfactory
6-7 = Satisfactory
8-9 = Very well
10 = Exceptional
1 à 20
1-12 = More or less satisfactory
13-15 = Satisfactory
16-18 = Very well
19-20 = Exceptional
0 = Information missing, absent, non-compliant or criterion not met according to the assessor
SIMPLE category
- Simplifies tasks or processes 0-20
- Improves the ways of doing things in the establishment 0-20
- Is accessible and agile 0-20
- Builds the enthusiasm of peers and/or the organization 0-10
- Uses a validation tool to measure the effectiveness of the project 0-10
- Plans to use the cash award wisely (For example : reward team members, invest in the project, organize a team activity, etc.) 0-10
- Is exportable or inspirational for other sectors, establishments, organizations, etc. 0-5
- Evaluator’s favorite : 5 points or 0 (2 favorites maximum) 0-5
- Emphasizes the « human » side of healthcare 0-20
- Directly or indirectly improves care, treatment, services or the quality of life of users 0-20
- Improves the patient experience 0-20
- Builds the enthusiasm of peers and/or the organization 0-10
- Uses a validation tool to measure the effectiveness of the project 0-10
- Plans to use the cash award wisely (For example : reward team members, invest in the project, organize a team activity, etc.) 0-10
- Is exportable or inspirational for other sectors, establishments, organizations, etc. 0-5
- Evaluator’s favorite : 5 points or 0 (2 favorites maximum) 0-5
MODERN category
- Generates benefits for patients, families or the institution by putting forward new ways of doing things 0-20
- Puts forward new ways of doing things 0-20
- Brings creativity and innovation 0-20
- Builds the enthusiasm of peers and/or the organization 0-10
- Provides results on the project efficiency 0-10
- Plans to use the cash award wisely (For example : reward team members, invest in the project, organize a team activity, etc.) 0-10
- Is exportable or inspirational for other sectors, establishments, organizations, etc. 0-5
- Evaluator’s favorite : 5 points or 0 (2 favorites maximum) 0-5
- Demonstrates better use of human, financial or technological resources. Specify your unit of measurement (number, money, time, etc.) and demonstrate the efficiency gained. 0-20
- Generates a positive impact on work organization 0-20
- Provides results in terms of project efficiency 0-20
- Directly or indirectly improves the care, treatment, services or quality of life for users or employees 0-10
- Generates enthusiasm among peers and the organization 0-10
- Plans to use the cash award wisely (For example : reward team members, invest in the project, organize a team activity, etc.) 0-10
- Is exportable or inspirational for other sectors, establishments, organizations, etc. 0-5
- Evaluator’s favorite : 5 points or 0 (2 favorites maximum) 0-5
For any questions, contact Annick Boismenu :