Prix SRS 2024

The Caisse Desjardins du Réseau de la santé is present in the health and social services sector and close to its members.

Through the SRS Awards, we hope to showcase the projects of these committed members of the community, and give them visibility among their colleagues in other establishments. It’s our way of thanking them for their daily dedication.

The finalists for the SRS Awards were recognized at the SRS Experience event, held on May 30, 2024.

Below, you will find a presentation of some of the projects that caught the attention of our jury members. In this way, we hope not only to highlight the work accomplished by professionals in the health and social services sector, but also to contribute to the sharing of knowledge that we hope will inspire you.

Enjoy your reading!

*Please note that texts and pictures have been provided by the nominees.

Discover the finalists in each category


Sixteen jurors, divided into four categories, took part. They invested a great deal of time and energy in carefully reading each and every entry. We’d like to thank them all.

Here, in alphabetical order, are the jurors who took part in this 5th edition:

Mireille Beaudet
Vice-President of AEESICQ and Professor and Simulation Center Coordinator

Joël Bélanger
5th Vice-President, APTS

Dr. Marie-Claude Desmarais
Physician, CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’île-de-Montréal

Dr. Marc Girard
Director of Professional Services, CHU Sainte-Justine

Isabelle Groulx
Vice-President, FIQ

Rinda Hartner
Nurse and Grace Dart Site Manager, CIUSSS de l’Ouest-de-l’île-de-Montréal and ACIIQ Director

Philippe Lachapelle
Director of Clinical and Organizational Performance (DPCO)
Co-manager, data valorization and exploitation
Co-director SCIENTA

Valérie Lavoie
Senior Vice-President, General Insurance, Desjardins Group President and Chief Operating Officer, Desjardins General Insurance Group

Émilie Mercier
Local Operational Coordination Coordinator – RLS de la Haute-Yamaska

Maryline Paquin
Speech-Language Pathologist, CISSS de Laval and Secretary, ACMQ

Hasna Rouighi
Director, Office of Innovation, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux

Patrice Ruest
Treasurer, Corporation des Paramédics du Québec

Mariela Gabriela Ruiz Mangas
Director, Direction de la cancérologie
Center intégré de cancérologie

Chloé-Anne Touma
Editor-in-Chief, CScience

Dr Alain Vadeboncoeur
Emergency physician, science popularizer, host, author, speaker and columnist

Dr Louis Valiquette
Full Professor/Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

The jury members came from a variety of sectors and backgrounds. This mix led to a rich exchange of views during the deliberations.

Thank you to our partners

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