Sixteen jurors, divided into the four categories, took part in the game. They invested time and energy in reading each of the nominations carefully. We would like to thank them.
Here in alphabetical order are the jurors who participated in this 3rdedition:
Mr. Emmanuel Breton:
First Vice-President, APTS
Ms. Gisèle Carpentier:
Director of Organizational Development and HR (retired), CIUSSS du Nord-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, and Caisse director
Mr. Denis Dubois:
Executive Vice-President, Wealth Management and Life and Health Insurance, Desjardins Group; President and Chief Operating Officer, Desjardins Financial Security
Ms. Isabelle Demers:
Deputy President and Chief Executive Officer, Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine
Mr. Sylvain Fauchon:
Senior Director, The Personal
Ms. Josée Fréchette:
Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux (APTS) Provincial Representative and Caisse director
Mr. André Gobeil:
Director General, Cégep de Chicoutimi
Mr. Paul L’Archevêque:
Director of Innovation, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Mr. Luc Lepage:
Executive Director, CEPSEM
Ms. Chantal Marchand:
President and CEO, Association des gestionnaires des établissements de santé et de services sociaux (AGESSS)
Ms. Dr. Annie Marleau:
Division Chief, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Montreal Children’s Hospital
Ms. Émilie Mercier:
Clinical Administrative Coordinator, Hospital Sector, Direction des services multidisciplinaires, CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
Mr. Joey Ouellet:
Chair, Corporation des paramédics du Québec
Ms. Marie-Claude Ouellet:
Executive Committee Secretary, FIQ
Mr. Ronald Pichette:
Head of Procurement, Transportation and Courier Services, Hôpital du CSSS du Nord de Lanaudière (retired)
Ms. Claudia Poulin:
ACMQ Administrator and Chair of the CISSS des Laurentides’ multidisciplinary council
The jurors come from a variety of sectors and backgrounds. This mix allowed for rich discussion during deliberations.