3rd position

Blooming Words: An innovative telehealth solution for early language development

Blooming Words is an evidence-based language stimulation program for children. It was developed by CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale and API-Enfance. Speech therapy makes up 80% of the requests received by the public health sector for young children. Families find themselves waiting between 8 and 24 months to see a specialist. Children who struggle with language skills can have trouble learning, making friends and building self-esteem. Blooming Words was created to respond to the pressing need for services in speech therapy and to provide training to staff in public and private settings.

The telehealth program is available through an online app. Using this technology, families can speak with professionals from the comfort of their home, no matter how far away they are. Parents and educators can use program resources, such as short videos, info sheets and activities, to encourage children’s language development.

Recognized as a leading practice in Quebec and supported by the Bureau de l’innovation du Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, Blooming Words contributes to youth protection and has become part of the Agir tôt program, which is offered by all CISSSs and CIUSSSs. About 1,600 families have already participated in the program. More than a third of the children who joined the Blooming Words program ended up not needing a referral to speech therapy, which helps keep wait times shorter so other children can get the support they need sooner.

Project submitted by:

Marie Vézina, speech therapist and coordinator


Marie Vézina, Mots d’enfants co-creator and professional coordinator at CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale
Véronique Nault and Jasmine Verville, co-creators of Mots d’enfants and co-founders of the NPO API-Enfance
Hortense Massin and the entire API-Enfance team, for development of the web application and training videos
Caroline White, coordinator of specific services and manager of Mots d’enfants at CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale
Caroline Bélanger, Head of the Centre d’expertise pour le bien-être et le développement des enfants at CIUSSS de la Capitale
CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale senior management and youth management teams (CDE, Agir tôt, Élan-Famille 2.0, SIPPE, JED)

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