4th position

Recovery program following traumatic events

According to the latest data, 10% to 35% of first responders in Canada will develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at some point in their career. For paramedical staff specifically, that statistic is 25%. Urgences-santé employees are just as vulnerable to this risk.

That’s why it’s one of our priorities to provide support to those who have experienced traumatic injuries. Over the past 2 years, nearly 700 potentially traumatic events were reported. In the summer of 2022, we put in place a recovery program to help employees on leave due to a traumatic injury. Instructors from the training centre offer support to employees through individual coaching that’s tailored to the trauma they experienced.

Employees learn desensitization exercises, gradual exposure exercises (in a class setting and in real-life situations) and consolidation exercises. Various tools and resources have been put in place as part of the program, such as personalized follow-up plans, collaboration with the care team, clinical supervision, recordings, classrooms equipped with mannequins and equipment to recreate situations, and marked cars for field observation.

This support program is in addition to several preventive mental health solutions already in place. We’re working to reinforce a culture of vigilance within our organization, where talking about mental health is no longer taboo.

Project submitted by:

Hélène Brouillet, Psychologist


Sébastien Champagne, Paramedic-Instructor
Patrycia Dufour, Paramedic-Instructor
Matthieu Legault, Training Center Coordinator
Jonathan Fédé, Paramedic-Instructor

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