5th position

Improved distribution of consultations

The Trois-Rivières radiation oncology department of the CIUSSS de la Mauricie-et-du-Centre-du-Québec made a tool used by medical administrative assistants more efficient and user-friendly. Administrative assistants would use the tool to assign patients to radiation oncologists, based on diagnoses. The tool ensured patients were assigned to physicians in an equitable way. But this could be quite challenging, considering all the factors to consider, such as availability, nominations and special circumstances.

Previously, this task was done manually, which inevitably led to errors. This meant that we had to carefully review everything to make sure they were scheduled properly. By rethinking how we do things, we were able to automate the counting process and made it much easier to fairly distribute consultations. The results are impressive: Not only have we automated the calculation, but the factors above are taken into account. This makes assigning consultations more flexible and ensures balance.

This new approach, which now includes the patient’s file number, also helps avoid duplicates and makes verifications and updates easier.

As a result of our team’s motivation to simplify tasks and continuously improve, we were able to use technology to boost teamwork and collaboration.

Project submitted by :

Sébastien Cabana, Administrative Agent, Class 1

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