1st position

Adapted transitional housing

In December 2022, the CISSS de la Montérégie-Est launched a unique transitional housing project to help people who are leaving inpatient hospital care for an adapted living environment.

The mandate of Centre de crise l’Accès is to meet the needs of the people of Longueuil following a mental health crisis. Given this, the centre seemed the right fit. Since the start of the project, the centre has doubled its capacity and brought in the resources needed to fulfill this additional mandate and meet the specific needs of patients.

The centre provides psychosocial follow-up care and one-on-one support. During their stay, they can take the time they need to get better, improve their situation and, in some cases, transition to a new living environment.

The centre can welcome up to 5 people at once, while maintaining its capacity to accommodate more should it need to. The centre also offers 24/7 psychosocial support in a secure environment. Even after patients leave the centre, specialists continue to follow up until the patient’s situation has stabilized or until they start receiving the services or treatment they need, depending on the person’s goals.

After 1 year, the project has provided a safe space to more than 50 people for a total of 1,200 days. The centre has offered 520 consultations so far, along with daily onsite support.

Project submitted by:

Robert James Borris, Assistant Director of Mental Health and Addiction Programs


Édouard Riopel, social assistant
Stéphanie Racicot, Clinical Outreach Coordinator
Annie Girardot, Program Administration Manager, Adult Crisis Services
Manon Blanchette, SIM-SIV-PEP-Proximité Pierre-Boucher Program Manager
Maxime Lantier, SIM professional codonator

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