2nd position

Patient care attendant training

In an effort to proactively address the shortage of patient care attendants (PCAs), the Support Program for the Autonomy of Seniors (SAPA), in collaboration with the Marguerite-Bourgeoys school service centre, launched an innovative initiative: the creation of a PCA training program at Ste. Anne’s Hospital’s long-term care facility. This project makes it possible for support aides—recruited during the pandemic and working with our residents ever since—to become a PCA.

To help hospital employees, we started with 2 cohorts of 19 students. Employees and students worked together during day and night shifts. Students were eligible for a $12,000 scholarship from the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. They also got to work weekend shifts and guaranteed permanent job status, provided they successfully complete the training.

All the students in the first 2 cohorts did and were offered permanent positions. A total of 38 PCAs have joined the team, bringing a breath of fresh air to the units.

Given the success of the first 2 cohorts, the training program is being offered to another group of 16 employees, in collaboration with a teacher from the school service centre and a SAPA long-term care unit manager with the Montréal West Island CIUSSS. This promising partnership is a great way to strengthen our bonds with the community.

Up next: Equivalence assessment and a continuing education program!

Project submitted by:

Isabelle Caron, Director, SAPA, Long-Term Care


Anna Russo, Unit Manager, CHSLD Lasalle, Direction du soutien à l’autonomie des personnes âgées – volet hébergement
Rachel Poyeau-Chéry, Assistant to the Director, CPSAPA, Residential Services Martine Boulanger, Senior Advisor, DPSAPA, Residential Services
Christine Gagné-Rodger, Assistant Director, Housing – West Sector. Direction du soutien à l’autonomie des personnes âgées – volet hébergement Mr. Jean-Nicolas Brousseau, Assistant Director, Expertise and Development. Human Resources Department

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